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Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)

What is Kaizen?

In Japanese, ‘Kai’ stands for small changes – ‘Zen’ stands for better
Kaizen stands for “Small changes for the better” (In West: “Continuous Improvement”)
The continuous and incremental improvement of the value stream in small steps (not at random points, but towards “True North”)

Kaizen refers to improvement of both processes and people.
In fact, Kaizen philosophy aims at improving all aspects of an organization all the time.
Good is never good enough.
Kaizen is a never-ending journey to excellence.

5S is a foundation for Kaizen and Lean implementation.

Benefits of Kaizen

Empowers employees, enriches the work experience and
brings out the best every person
Promotes personal growth of employees and the company
Improves quality, safety, cost structures, delivery, environmental, service/satisfaction, throughput and customer
Provides guidance from employees, and serves as a barometer for leadership

‘Do not underestimate the effect of many small steps!’

Everybody, every day, everywhere (Identifying Waste, Eliminating Waste)

Job Functions

Top Management, Middie Management, Supervisors and Workers.

Innovation: Drastic improvements in current processes.

Kaizen: Small continuous improvements in current processes.

Maintenance: Activities directed to maintaining current technological, managerial, & operating standards.